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Warm Shops campaign

During the winter of 2023/24 we are running a Warm Shops campaign.

The aim is to encourage shops to close their doors, preventing heat loss to the environment. With the resulting benefits -

Slash heating costs!

Keep shoppers warm!

Keep shop staff warm!

Contribute to reducing climate warming!

Newbury Friends of the Earth is encouraging shops in Newbury to keep their doors closed during winter, to reduce energy losses. Look out for the stickers and posters on shop doors around the town. The ‘Warm Shops’ campaign was unveiled at Nature’s Corner, Northbrook Street in late September 2023.

Participating shops are displaying a poster in their window and a broken globe transparency image close to the handles on doors. The window posters explain to shoppers why the doors are closed. A second poster is given to shop managers for their staff rooms to inform their employees of the benefits of this action.

Check out our NFoE website for the full story so far.



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